
Usually, the reader can rely on the narrator of a story to tell the truth, at least the truth as the narrator perceives it. Sometimes an author causes the narrator to misrepresent events or offer his interpretation of the truth. This introduces an element of uncertainty, which could force the reader to struggle to separate…

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Point of View

Narrative point of view is the perspective from which a story is told. Stories may be narrated from the viewpoint of either an unidentified entity (a persona) or one that is identified 1. An unidentified persona 2. An identified persona may be one of two types: Stories may be narrated from the viewpoint of either an…

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Omniscience measures the scope of a narrator’s perception, which can range from limited to unlimited. A narrator with unlimited omniscience may tell a story from any and every perspective, from a very remote viewpoint (literally across the galaxy) to a view from within the mind of a character. A narrator using unlimited omniscience may also zoom…

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Story: The Key to Making Fiction Interesting

If written fiction is to be engaging, it must be about something interesting—a story. Like so many terms used in the craft of writing, story means different things to different people. I believe that any term may be better understood if it is clearly defined, and by that I mean an explanation that boils the…

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